Alcazar Show with transfer (normal seat)
Alcazar Show with transfer (normal seat)
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Tour Category : Cruise Ticket
Tour Type : JOIN TOUR
Duration : Show time : (17:00, 18:30, 20:00, and 21:30)
Location : Pattaya
Price : 590 THB./ Adult 590 THB./ Child
Person Date of Tour Condition Rate/Pax Quantity
Adult N/A 590.00
(2 - 9 years)
N/A 590.00
Title :

Nowadays, "Alcazar" is globally famous with the reputation of the best transvestite cabaret show in Thailand. Continuously, we have improved our show employing modern technology of stage arts for serving our visitors. Each year, our creative show production team works extremely hard together with millions of Thai baht are spent for creating and presenting impressive show to our visitors' eyes.

Detail :

The shows will run approximately 70 minutes.

  1. The Wondrous World
  2. Aqua Playa
  3. Ba Jang
  4. Four Legendary Regions of Siam Kingdom
  5. Le Jazz Hot
  6. Flowers of China
  7. Melayu Dance
  8. Hello Vietnam
  9. Persian Dance
  10. Lola Want Love
  11. Dance With Me
  12. Arirang Drums & Fans Dance
  13. Oppa It Just My Style (Korean Pop Dance)
  14. Boogie Wonderland
  15. One Man Woman
  16. The World Is Not Enough
  17. Fabulous Russia


Our show are daily at 17:00, 18:30, 20:00, and 21:30


“This is draft itinerary only program subject to change due to traffic and logistic on that day




  • Transfer round trip
  • Entry Ticket



Pick up area: North Pattaya / Central Pattaya